Thursday, January 10, 2019

Grapefruit series - Challenge roles

      Get to the Point, bite-sized content is what this and next posts will be all about. After all, is blogging, not scientific research. Looking back at the last two years, honestly, I don't have the time to continue with detailed articles. The idea is to write more regularly (due to the narrow topic coverage), to share my raw thoughts and opinion.

     The very first thing I would like to address, is the roles that we all have in our teams. You have a single role in a single team - it will also work. Growing is part of our career. One way to do so, is moving to new roles. Taking ownership of new roles. Ones, that were not held by us (but exist, or not in the team). You need to deserve and keep it, making it official is just detail. So, if you are not in the place you wanna be - challenge the roles (NOTE: not positions).

     At some point, this should become a culture. Strongest roles, rule the team by leadership and competence. Strongest roles, have everything to prove, every day. Foster a way to learn and grow alongside your teammates. Never assume, that your title gives you comfort and you have the final say. The more important your role is - the more you have to prove to keep it. Look for the ones that challenge and level up your game.

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